Friday, June 29, 2007

10 Ways to Ruin Your Date

1. Don't look like your picture. Post an old picture from when you were thinner or had more hair.
Or you could post a photo of someone else: your daughter (folks always say you could be twins, right?), a model you plucked from an online site (hey, didn't you say you always wanted to be a model?), or your "sort of" twin brother (non-identical).

2. Don't make any special effort to present yourself well. Dress for a first meeting the way you would for a Saturday night at home, rationalizing that you want to appear "real" and be liked for the way that you are.
Maybe it is a kindness to show, right up front, what your date's Saturday nights would be like if they were to marry you!

3. Be late. Nothing says you couldn't care less than to be late. While arriving early might give you the advantage of being able to see your date before he/she sees you, being late implies you are too important to be polite.

4. Forget your wallet
. Male or female, the "I forgot my wallet" schtick is the fastest route to being labeled cheap.
If you are a guy and this is a coffee date, springing for both cups is a bargain-rate way to look good. And ladies, men notice if you offer to pay, even if they insist on opening their wallet for your latte.

5. Use your cell phone. Go ahead, plunk your cell phone down on the table between the two of you, leave it on and answer every call, taking as long as you want while ignoring your date.
Cell phones are the best excuse for blanket rudeness that has been invented. They have no place on a date, except as a safety mechanism.

6. Brag
. My grandma used to say "Don't brag," and when you are on a date, she was -- and is -- so right.
However, if you can't resist, talk about the price you paid for your car, flash your Rolex, and prop your implants on the table. Tell how important you are at work and how many men or women are dropping at your feet. See how your date reacts... if they are still at the table.

7. Complain. Whine. Grouse. Say how no one listens to you and you are looking for someone who will.
Go on and on about your health problems or, better yet, your dietary quirks. Then notice that your date is in such a rotten mood, whine about that, and chalk this date up to yet another one of those horrid experiences.

8. Be rude. To your date, and to everyone around you. Talk down to the waitperson and don't leave a tip. Complain to the management about the poor service. Ask your date what the last STD they had was or whether they are still fertile.
If you must, really pull out the stops and get all your orifices going: burp, pass gas, scratch scabs, pick your nose or blow it on your hand.

9. Try to get sexy
. Tell your date that she is turning you on and you want to see her naked. Move in too close too fast, hugging, touching or kissing, despite what your date is signaling.
Grab his butt when you meet. Wear clothes that are too short, too tight and in general too slutty. Talk sexy and do it loud.

10. Tell dirty, racist or just plain poor-taste stories
. You know that you are funny, especially after you have a couple of drinks. If it is a coffee date, then stop off for a couple of quick ones before you get there.

You know that men (or women) like a good sexy joke, so fire away. And most people think that racist or bathroom stories are hilarious, so your date should too. After all, you want a partner who can take a joke, don't you?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Dr. Mao's Secrets for Longevity

Stress has become a part of the fabric of our busy lives, but it wreaks havoc on our health - and our lives. Read on to learn some measures that you can take to become stress-free.

The Impact of Stress
All that epinephrine or adrenaline is produced during the stressful bouts of fight-flight, survival mode that gets turned on all too often these days.

The adrenaline is released from the adrenal gland when you are under mental pressure, and it tells the body to convert stored sugar from the liver to glucose because the energy needs of the body will increase substantially during the supposed fight-or-run-for-your-life scenario.

The bad news is that this scenario almost never plays out and the excess blood sugar that never got used up ends up being stored as fat.

One of two things can happen from a prolonged survival mode. One: Your body will keep storing up excess sugar as fat and asking for more energy from more sugar. This equals weight gain (an unpleasant side-effect of stress).

Two: All of this stress and Herculean effort continually depletes your body of its energy resources until it inevitably crumples under the overload. This can either lead to adrenal exhaustion, nervous breakdown, or a broken down immune system - thereby exposing a person to disease. The vicious circle repeats itself over and over again and people never seem to be able to get out of the rat race.

Release Your Stress
Here are some healthy habits you can integrate into your daily grind to free yourself from stress forever.

1. Cut the Caffeine: Caffeine stimulates the adrenaline release. Give up the cup of coffee and opt for the therapeutic benefits of caffeine-free herbal teas.

Or you can cut down on your caffeine intake by substituting green tea for coffee, which usually has 1/3 of the caffeine of a cup of coffee, but with the benefits of the antioxidant polyphenols.

2. Meditation: A daily meditation program is can be your number one method to decompress at the end of a busy day and release tension.

3. Take a Breather: Exhale the stress away. Specific exercises can detoxify your body and revitalize your being. Try this exercise, adapted from Chinese qigong and make your goal to slow down, smooth out, and deepen each breath.

With every exhalation, utter the word calm in your mind and breathe out the tension from a part of your body, starting from the top of your head and working your way down through each part of your body until you get to your feet. Release the remaining tension through your toes and the bottoms of your feet.

4. Cleanse the Clutter: Have you ever heard the saying that what you own soon owns you? Not only do these unnecessary items consume much of your energy for cleaning and maintenance, they also add to the clutter, making you disorganized and increasing your stress level. Cut back and let go. A good rule of thumb is that anything you haven't used in six months can be given away to charity.

5. Lighten Your Schedule: Cut back on the commitments in your calendar of events. If you are really scrambling for some free time, try writing in a day a week to just spend alone and relax...and stick to it!

6. Reframe Your Perspective: As you move through your day, pay attention to what causes you feelings of stress. Our response has much to do with how it will affect us; by reframing our perspective on stressful situations, we can often see that the danger is largely an illusion and maintain a calm frame of mind.

I hope you take some healthy steps toward reducing daily stress. I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

-Dr. Mao


This game is called tagged. If you have been tagged, you must list down five crazy things about you. So, here's mine. 5 Crazy things about me, myself and I.

  1. I drive like there's no tomorrow.=D
  2. When I am with my peers, I fart and act like nothing happened.
  3. I go to church because I like our Pastor's son.
  4. Sometimes I catch myself laughing alone.
  5. Way back in highschool, me and my friend was walking downtown when we decided to buy an Ice cream promotional(buy 1, free 1 scoop). Just a few licks and yuck! We put it, cone up, on a jeep driver's seat.

There you go. They are not that much crazy but certainly they are not the least. Anyway, I want to tag:

  1. Bets
  2. Myrle
  3. Rhoda
  4. Ma'am Jiji
  5. Momsie!

Come on, post your 5 crazy things here. Or you can post it in your blog and put the link here. Show the world what you’ve got and prove to them you ain’t that normal. Haha!


The best thing about having a prepaid phone line is that you can regulate your budget according to your preferred credit.

The worst thing about it, is that it gets stolen. Haha!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Onli in the Philippines

Post # 3. Only in the Philippines I did see that a box is also labeled as a "cartoon".=D

Post # 4. Only in the Philippines I did know that close family ties can extend up to the 4th degree. Haha!

10 Mistakes Managers Make During Job Interviews

Career advice from BNET: Hiring is one of the hardest parts of managing a team. A lot is riding on the initial meeting, and if you're nervous or ill-prepared -- or both -- it can make you do strange things. The following mistakes are all too common, but they're easy to avoid with some advance preparation.

1. You Talk Too Much

When giving company background, watch out for the tendency to prattle on about your own job, personal feelings about the company, or life story. At the end of the conversation, you'll be aflutter with self-satisfaction, and you'll see the candidate in a rosy light -- but you still won't know anything about her ability to do the job.

2. You Gossip or Swap War Stories

Curb your desire to ask for dirt on the candidate's current employer or trash-talk other people in the industry. Not only does it cast a bad light on you and your company, but it's a waste of time.

3. You're Afraid to Ask Tough Questions

Interviews are awkward for everyone, and it's easy to over-empathize with a nervous candidate. It's also common to throw softball questions at someone whom you like or who makes you feel comfortable. You're better off asking everyone the same set of challenging questions -- you might be surprised what they reveal. Often a Nervous Nellie will spring to life when given the chance to solve a problem or elaborate on a past success.

4. You Fall Prey to the Halo Effect (or the Horns Effect)

If a candidate arrives dressed to kill, gives a firm handshake, and answers the first question perfectly, you might be tempted to check the imaginary "Hired!" box in your mind. But make sure you pay attention to all his answers, and don't be swayed by a first impression. Ditto for the reverse: the mumbler with the tattoos might have super powers that go undetected at first glance.

5. You Ask Leading Questions

Watch out for questions that telegraph to the applicant the answer you're looking for. You won't get honest responses from questions like, "You are familiar with Excel macros, aren't you?"

6. You Invade Their Privacy

First of all, it's illegal to delve too deeply into personal or lifestyle details. Secondly, it doesn't help you find the best person for the job. Nix all questions about home life ("Do you have children?" "Do you think you'd quit if you got married?"), gender bias or sexual orientation ("Do you get along well with other men?"), ethnic background ("That's an unusual name, what nationality are you?"), age ("What year did you graduate from high school?"), and financials ("Do you own your home?").

7. You Stress the Candidate Out

Some interviewers use high-pressure techniques designed to trap or fluster the applicant. While you do want to know how a candidate performs in a pinch, it's almost impossible to recreate the same type of stressors that an employee will encounter in the workplace. Moreover, if you do hire the person, they may not trust you because you launched the relationship on a rocky foundation.

8. You Cut It Short

A series of interviews can eat up your whole day, so it's tempting to keep them brief. But a quick meeting just doesn't give you enough time to gauge a candidate's responses and behavior. Judging candidates is nuanced work, and it relies on tracking lots of subtle inputs. An interview that runs 45 minutes to an hour increases your chances of getting a meaningful sample.

9. You Gravitate Toward the Center

If everyone you talk to feels like a "maybe," that probably means you aren't getting enough useful information -- or you're not assessing candidates honestly enough. Most "maybes" are really "no, thank you's." Likewise, if you think the person might be good for some role at some point in the future, then they're really a "no."

10. You Rate Candidates Against Each Other

A mediocre candidate looks like a superstar when he follows a dud, but that doesn't mean he's the best person for the job. The person who comes in tomorrow may smoke both of them, but you won't be able to tell if you rated Mr. Mediocre too highly in your notes. Evaluate each applicant on your established criteria -- don't grade on a curve.

Why do I get Jealous?

Question: Why do I get so jealous when my partner talks to other people?

: When you first connected with your partner and looked into their eyes, it felt like he or she was the only person in the room. As you get deeper into your relationship and call yourselves a couple, the realization hits you: You and your partner are not alone on this planet. There are others! Are they a threat?
When we are in a committed relationship, we assume the connection we have with each other will be strong enough to fend off outside threats. In some ways, this you-belong-to-me-and-I-belong-to-you mentality is sweet; it's the stuff of pop songs and poetry. But sometimes the intensity of that connection is too strong.
When one partner sees everyone whom his or her partner comes into contact with as a potential threat, it is a sign that jealousy has taken hold. Shakespeare called it "the green-eyed monster," and once it gets a hold of your relationship, it sinks its teeth in and can rip it apart.
What causes jealousy?
If you've got strong feelings of jealousy, it's probably a sign that you don't have enough trust in your partner that he or she is being faithful to you. That lack of trust may be prompted by one of four factors.
  • You may feel insecure about your self-worth. In these cases, either you've been raised to believe, or some part of your inner self feels, that you just don't measure up. Because you don't love yourself, you can't believe that others would love you, so you live in fear that your partner's "true" feelings will be revealed and she will leave.
  • You're prone to cheating on your partner -- maybe even have done so. Knowing what you're capable of, you project that behavior onto your partner.
  • You and your partner haven't yet figured out how to establish safe boundaries within the relationship. Having a tight bond is about building walls around your love with windows that allow others to be part of it -- not doors where competing lovers can walk right in and disrupt your home. Because you don't know what's permissible within the relationship and what's not, you're constantly on your toes.
  • Your mate is cheating on you. Cheating doesn't have to include sex; it often has to do with making emotional connections to others outside the relationship. If your partner is sharing things about your private life with attractive members of the opposite sex, it robs a sense of intimacy from your relationship and leaves you feeling vulnerable.
Knowing the factors that lead to jealousy is an important first step to getting things fixed. Put your focus on building trust. If you've got some growing up to do, therapy may help. Both of you have to learn how to set boundaries in the relationship. That requires respecting your mate's definition of limits of outside relationships from the start.
Over time, as trust builds, you and your partner can redefine what feels safe for the relationship. After all, when you've got a great relationship, you want to share it with the world.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Quotes from Tita Minda

  1. It is the enemy who helped the enemy. ----->Say Whaaaaaaat!!!??
  2. Wherever you will go, there will be accidents. ----->So you're saying that we're jinxed?
  3. Always remember to give precautionary care and measure. ------>Which will we give first?Care or measure?
  4. Place your index finger in line with the nipple line. ----->For what!?
  5. You must do 0.5 to 1 inch chest compression with a infant. ----->With a whaaaaaat!!???
  6. If we announced that you can bring an extra shirt or an extra pant, then you may bring. ----->An extra whaaaaaat!!??
  7. You already studied physics so you must already know the rule of gravity. ----->The rule of gravity is also like the Law of Gravity. It was just revised.
  8. Put this into deep priurity. ----->Prioritization.
  9. This will finished any injury. ----->So it's done?
  10. You will use triagy whenever there is many casualty incident. ----->A very bountiful, copious, countless, plentiful, populous, prevalent casualty.
  11. Color coding colors. ----->Colors will color code??
  12. Are there any incident where the head is decapitated and the body is still alive? Of course not! If you are a first aider, it is your duty to pick it up. Do you still wait for that head to come over you? ----->Double dead.
  13. Eben though you are just a student nurse, you must help the riskuers. ----->Eben- past tense of even. Riskuers- rescuers who take risks.
  14. It's not very thritining. ----->thritining- threat minus the injury.
  15. Remove this in mind that everytime you receive a package, it is a present. ----->Give me Alzheimer's Disease and that package will not be a present.
  16. Imprint it in your heart. ----->Ouch!!
  17. You must push your self-esteem. ----->Where??
  18. Even though you don't want to receive, there is always that sour graping in you. ----->Sweet-lemon?
  19. The bleeding inside will always find a passage of way going out. ----->is there a hole in your head?
  20. You must prevent farther contamination. ----->So we must keep the contamination close to us?
  21. If you leave your patient behind, you might be charged with held liable for that. ----->How many counts of crime was that???
  22. You must also clean beyond the ages of the wound. ----->Ages- when did you acquire the wound?
  23. The body has a framework and it is the Sketon. ----->Sketon- bones minus the body.
  24. When doing neck injuries, just saw that it can help lessen the movement of the neck. ----->Yeah. We already saw it.
  25. Later, we talk that later. ----->We talk when?Later than late?
  26. Never never put splint. ----->Say a no no!
  27. Win you konek. ----->you won a konek. Is it a Konika?
  28. If the patient has a decapitated leg, do not connect the leg. ----->Well...Why??
  29. Put it on your heart wherever you will go. ----->Ouch!!Is it surgically done?
  30. When I am giving instructions you must listen and attentively. ----->We can listen attentively so that we will not pay attention to you?
  31. You can get your copies to your clinical instructions. ----->Are they still alive?
  32. Stay put in your seats. ----->Are we inside our seats?
  33. No time to waste. ----->Ahahaha!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Onli in the Philippines...

From now on, I'll post anything I see or notice under the Philippine sun.

Post # 1. Only in the Philippines I did see a Money and Noontime show which looks like Las Vegas!!

Post # 2. Only in the Philippines I did read the word "Unintacked" written on our blackboard.

***That's it for today.=D

Saturday, June 9, 2007


I thought I was living life, not until I gazed back and reminisced my past.

Free Paris Movement

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Top 10 Signs of Studying Too Long

1. You get excited about switching pen colors.

2. Your roommate comes home from a weekend away and says, “Surprise, you’re still sitting there! Have you changed clothes at least?”

3. Your mom calls and after talking for a few minutes says, “I’ll call back tomorrow and maybe you’ll be in a better mood.”

4. Unless you turn off your internet connection, you check email/cnn/gossip site/website of choice every 5 minutes.

5. It’s summer and 85 degrees outside but your bathing suit is still in winter hibernation.

6. Your middle finger starts to get that weird indentation on it from writing too much.

7. You can tell what time it is by hearing the squeaky school bus brakes outside the window (7:40am and 3:35pm).

8. Every single coffee mug is dirty in the dishwasher.

9. Your apartment is either really clean (because study break = manic tidying session) or looks like a tornado ran through it.

10. You sit still so long that reading about decubitus ulcers and DVTs becomes a little more relevant.

Any of these sound familiar? Did I leave anything out? Good luck to everyone out there taking exams right now. It’s one mile marker closer to your destination!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants

"Some people show off their beauty because they want the world to see it. Others try to hide their beauty because they want the world to see something else."

"And what do you see?"


Saturday, June 2, 2007


Class Fun

Our very last rotation for NCM103 was not that good or bad either. It's a combination of heaven and hell, angels and devils, protagonists and antagonists.

Sir mark was the real hero. He did everything just to make us learn.

The rest are Bushwhackers.

All they did was to make our BLS days miserable. But it's worth the take.

I found one thing funny. They are all professionals, yet some of them never achieved professional conduct.

Can you spot the not?=)

Correcting them sometimes are that too complicated. They interpret it as you inferiorating them.

Poor country. A truly brain drained country. Students are sometimes more intelligent than their teachers.